Monday, August 01, 2005

We're Home!

We're home now. So many things have changed. Some of our close friends moved into a new house. Another couple found out that they are going to have a baby while a different couple got divorced. When I went to the grocery store, I forgot where everything was and what we like to eat at home. Also, I didn't know any of the songs on the radio. I began unpacking and I did not know where I usually put certain things. It's crazy how many things change and how much you forget in a couple of months.

However, it's good to be home. We had some people from our class over for burgers last night. We just wanted to thank them for taking care of our house and lawn while we were away. It was fun! Then, we had so much food left over that we are having some of the Chaos on Wheels guys eat lunch with us. They are in town for a few days.


Amber said...

"Home Sweet Home" really rings true after being away for awhile!