Saturday, December 03, 2005

Amber's Thanksgiving

Here is my friend Amber's hilarious Thanksgiving story in her own words...

I had a pretty good Thanksgiving except for a few things that went wrong! Link [her husband] is in the middle of an outage at Florida Power so he had to work on Thanksgiving, which also happened to be his birthday this year. That was depressing not being able to spend the day with him. Instead of going to his family's HUGE get together, the kid's and I went to my parents house, along with my older brother, (he's here visiting) my little brother, his wife and son.
I decided to cook the ham this year and what a fiasco that turned out to be!!!

First of all ham's are not that cheap if you haven't checked the prices lately. I spent hours basting and cooking this wonderful ham that I was so excited about! I had to do everything myself since Link was working. I got everyone bathed and dressed and started loading things into the car. I took the ham out, placed it gently on the floorboard and headed back inside for the broccoli casserole. When I got inside Glory [her young daughter] was upstairs screaming something about Eli [her 2 year old son] having white stuff all over him. I ran upstairs completely forgetting about anything but Eli. He had gotten into my expensive face lotion and smeared it all over himself and his nice clean clothes! I cleaned him up as quickly as possible, because we were now running late. I grabbed the broccoli casserole and headed back out to resume where I had left off. When I got to the car I saw two brown furry legs poking out from behind the door. To my ultimate horror while I was inside dealing with Eli, our dog Coda had smelled the delicious ham and decided to make a feast of it!!!!

Needless to say I don't know if I have ever been madder in my life! If there had been a gun handy Coda would be pushing up roses right now!

I refused to throw that expensive ham away, so I cut off the big hunk where Coda had been feasting, flipped it over to the untouched side and baked it for another 30 minutes, just for good measure, (actually to kill any doggy germs)!

Even after all that, my mom still refused to eat it! Everyone who did partake of it cracked jokes about how good the dog slobber basted ham tasted and could I please bring another one next year! I probably won't live that one down for many years to come!