Thursday, December 29, 2005

A Testimony on Another Blog

Someone said to go look at this blog This is worth reading and explains why we do what we do better than I ever could:

I just got back from camp..and I got saved! Yay! I actually had my first conversation with God.. It wasn't like what you think it was though.. Let me just tell you. Ok, so the speaker (Brock Gill) came, and on Tues. he was talking about dedicating your life to Christ. I always had said I was a Christian because I had said the prayer..But I never really WAS a Christian. I mean, I thought I was, said I was, and acted like I was. But I really didn't have a relationship with God. I never held my hands up for worship or any of that.Truth is, I was seriously afraid to even clap my hands. Brock made us bow our heads, and I knew God was saying something to me..I didnt know what, but I knew he was. Brock started talking and everything else blacked out in my mind. He said that God is working on some of us (in the room). He said that God is saying something to some of us.He told us to have a conversation with him.. So.. I bowed my head, and I got that feeling of someone trying to say something to me, but I was too scared to answer it.Brock told us that some of us needed and had the desire in there hearts to commit and give their life to Christ. He said a little prayer wouldnt do it, and if we thought we were one of them, to ask God about it. So.. over the last couple of days I really had wanted to have that feeling of change in my life. So, I bowed my head, and I asked (in my head), "Do you want me to do this?" and He said in these exact words, "OF COURSE."..I honestly didn't know if God would even answer what I was saying, so I was a little scared.Seriosly. But I remembered that God wanted man to be confertable with Him, so I made a little joke..I said, "I'll do it, just don't let me cry". I sware I thought I heard someone laughing (a friendly laugh). It was amazing. After about two minutes, Brock goes, " Now..If you are serious about committing your life to Christ, raise your hand." I did.. and I was so nervous. I think he could tell,because he kind of chuckled and said, "Its OK, you can put your hand down now." Then he told us to stand up if we were to commit our life to Christ.Ok, now, I could totally do the hand thing, but STANDING UP?! What was he thinking? I was soo concious of what people thought right then but I did it. I wasn't even myself from that point on. I mean, sure, I was _____. But what I did was amazing for me. I cared what people thought of me sooo much, that I used to be afraid to listen to my CD player becuase I was afraid I might breath too hard. So here I am, someone taken over my body, my knees are shaking, my heart is beating, and all the sudden (Im pretty sure God was also speaking to me at that point) he tells us that he almost GARANTEES that someone will make fun of us.He told us that if we were afraid that when we stood up, that someone would be watching, laughing, pointing, and staring, we were ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. I was pretty spooked by that point. When you know that God is at work in your life, it spooks you. A good spook, though. So.. God was doing all this work and all the sudden I felt this weird desiring to commit my life and be changed. So Brock told us that on three we should stand up if we wanted to commit our life to Christ. He started counting."One..Two.." My heart was pounding, my knees were shaking, my head was spinning, almost like a battle inside my head on committing my life. "Three." I closed my eyes and stood, along with about fifteen people. I felt so great. I knew what people were talking about when they say it felt like a powerful wind rushed over them. And guess what.. I did cry. No, scratch that..I bawled. I seriously cried so much I was the first to be taken outside and be talked to about what I had done. But the weird thing was, I didn't care. I knew people were probably looking at me like I was some kind of freak but didn't care a bit. A couple of days after I completely changed.. Before -for sin- it was.."Ok, just dont get caught". Now I dont even want to sin.Its just a waste of time with a huge usage of consequences. Later that night, I actually worshiped for the first time in my life. I mean, WORSHIPED! I raised my hands and everything, the whole deal. I finally knew what it was like to know what "I cant live withouth you God" ment. I finally knew the feelings people felt when they heard God move through them. I finally knew God.


Amber said...

What an AWESOME testimony for the Lord! I was completely spellbound while reading it! I love to remember that fire I felt when I first accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. It's a good reminder for all of us I think!!!