Monday, January 29, 2007

America in Fear

I was in the restroom at the airport the other day and I heard a couple of young women talking. They were about my age. One of the women said that this was the first trip they'd taken since their baby was born. She said that it was difficult getting the will and estate together. I didn't know that you began on that so early just in case your plane went down!

I began to think about how much we in America are driven by fear. We have so much, health, life, house, etc. I'm not saying that insurance is a bad thing, but how much do we dwell on the "what if's?" The Bible talks about not worrying. We can still be planned to a certain degree, but it's wrong to think in any way that the Lord will not see you through whatever comes your way. I've been guilty of it a time or two. I'm going to try and have more faith and less worry.


Anonymous said...

Man, Everyone's guity of worrying and stuff. Even Big Petey gets scurred.


i will also trust more in God. Not easy but it can be done.



Michawn said...

Hey not into the worrying and being scared, although harder now with the kiddos. You did remind me of something that we need to do though...the will thing. I think after you have kids a will is know, states, if something happens to you, who you want the kids to be raised by. So, the whole kid thing does change things like that (never would've thought to have a will before kids), but yeah...people in America need to get a grip...and get Jesus so they really don't have to fear.

Anonymous said...

not petey! :0

Anonymous said...

Claim Phillipians 4:6-9. It is OK,even prudent, to be concerned and to Plan, but NOT to worry!

Mrs. G

Anonymous said...

i agree there are a ton of people that worry and are stressed out all the time...i know i'm guilty of it and so is everyone else but there are some people that worry 24/7

Anyways its so much easier to get through life if you just sit back and take a deep breath every once in a while

Anonymous said...

yeah Ms.taylor, even I get scurred