Monday, March 26, 2007

The Attack on Ministers

We learned some bad news this weekend. Another person in ministry has been caught having an affair. That's the third person this year that we know about personally. Let me tell you something. None of us are above it. I look at Brock and my marriage and think that it is almost perfect. However, circumstances can change and Satan is tricky.

Satan attacks every Christian in some way, but if you are in the ministry, it's like there is a bullseye on your forehead. He usually attacks you in your personal life. If God is allowing your ministry to flourish, then Satan is going to attack. He's been attacking us financially for the last 8 years. However, he could change his tactics in an instant.

That's all it takes to mess up a marriage and possibly a instance. It could be just one vulnerable moment. Please pray for your relationships right now. Pray against any vulnerable circumstances. Also, pray for your ministers. Anyone who is in leadership for Christ has a better chance of getting attacked. Let's fight against this through prayer.


Anonymous said...

thats so true, God we trust in you and ask u guard us from things that will harm us.

we present this in your hand cuz in your hand we are surely secure.

thank you God cuz WE KNOW U ALWAYS HEAR US.

we ask this in Jesus mighty name, amen.

Amber said...

PREACH IT SISTER!!! I agree we have to be more aware of the conniving ways Satan is trying to attack us a christians and especially ministers! LOP!!!

Anonymous said...

unbelieveable. i'll pray. for u and brock and for all others.