Sunday, January 20, 2008

Prayer in Numbers

We were on the side of the road at 5pm in Nowhere, Missouri. We were to be in Dallas, TX in order to perform the next day. We still had an 8 hour drive ahead of us. That didn’t leave us much time considering that it was after 5pm and most of the shops were closed. I called my mom and asked her to pray for a miracle that we would be able to get there on time. We called a few others from home as well.

As we waited on the side of I-44 with cars flying by, the chances of a miracle got slimmer. A couple of roadside mechanics came out to look at the engine. At first, we all thought that it was just a busted hose. Then, the estimate got worse. They thought that we had blown a head gasket. I’m no mechanic, but I know the difference between a hose and a head gasket. It means more time and money. We called a shop and had a wrecker sent. The shop workers said that they would be able to fix it by Saturday afternoon at the earliest. Other shops in town said they could not get to it until Monday. Our show in Dallas would be finished by Saturday afternoon.

Brock called a friend that lived in Springfield, MO which was about 45 miles away. Our friend knew a guy that lived in the town in which we were stranded. This friend of a friend came to us on the side of the road just as the tow truck showed up and lent us his pick-up truck to pull our trailer to Dallas to do our show. He also paid the tow bill. The next day, we were in Dallas setting up our show. We got our miracle. The Lord hears the prayers of His people.

One time while we were out on the road, I was feeling very down and defeated. I couldn’t shake the doom and gloom feeling that I was waking up to every morning. After a few weeks, I got a cold and was sick while we were on the road. We called several people to pray for me to get better. Not only did I feel instantly better physically, but emotionally something broke free as well.

Anytime I feel as if I cannot handle something, I call on my prayer warriors to battle for me. Sometimes you are too close to the situation in order to pray effectively. Other times it is just too big for you to tackle. These are the times when you need to call on extra reinforcement. The Bible says “Where two or more are gathered in prayer, there I will be.” Many of you that read this blog and pray for us have been such a blessing to me. I could not make it without the prayers of you faithful servants.


Amber said...

We love you and feel honored to be used by the Living God:)