Saturday, January 12, 2008

Road Cases

We stood in the driveway looking at all of our new “used” cases. We had several empty road cases and a box equipment to go in them. Brock looked at me and said, “Now, we have to pray that the Lord will fill them up.”

Shortly after our trailer had been stolen, Brock saw a road case at a furniture store for $50. Road cases are usually very expensive…hundreds of dollars each. We found out that in Dallas (only a couple hours' drive), they had a warehouse full of these used road cases because a computer company got rid of them. One of our friends went to the warehouse and bought 5 of them for us for $350 total. They were all different sizes. One of them was so big that it should have cost $900 alone.

The only problem with these road cases were that you have a road case custom made to fit your equipment. We didn’t even have any equipment yet. The first piece of equipment we got was our sound system (the one I talked about in yesterday's post). We went to place the speakers in a case and they fit like a glove! It looked as if the case were made for it. What's more is that the other sound system that we were originally going to buy would have been too big.

As we began getting more and more equipment, the same thing was happening. The gear fit to the 1/4 inch! To this day, we are finding how new props fit just right in our old cases.

Anyone would look at this situation and say that we did things backwards. We should have purchased the equipment, then the truck, then the cases. However, God had something else in mind. His ways are different than ours. We must have the faith to follow His lead even if it seems impractical. He doesn’t always answer our prayers in the fashion in which we think He should or expect Him to. If we had done things in the practical order that I listed above, we might have taken some of the glory. The fact that the equipment fit the cases to the tee can only be God’s hand.

In a later post, I'll tell you how those cases literally saved our equipment...


Anonymous said...

Andrea, reading these posts are so exciting. When I think of the horror you and Brock went through, it pains me. But when I see how lovingly God provided for you with invaluable glimpses of His character of the loving and giving spirit He is, I am so moved. Thank you for sharing. Mom