Friday, January 11, 2008

Praying Specifically

If you haven't read yesterday's post, do so now. The Lord told us to pray specifically. So we did...

Once, we went to pick out our new sound system. Someone had given us the exact amount we needed to buy this particular sound system. While we were at the store, Brock found a better sound system that was only $200 more. He felt like the Lord wanted us to get the better system. We decided to pray for the extra $200.

That day, we went to a wedding and didn't tell anyone about our specific prayer request. At the wedding, our friend came up and handed us an envelope. He pointed out a girl at the reception and said, “The Lord told her to give you this.” We opened the envelope to reveal $200!

At one point, I had a friend who was suffering financially. She went to buy some shoes at Payless and realized that she couldn’t even afford a $20 pair of shoes. Her birthday was coming up and I really wanted to buy her a $20 gift certificate to Payless Shoes Store. However, I didn’t even have an extra $20. I began to pray about it. Shortly before her birthday, I received a check in the mail from our water company. I had overpaid them by $20. So, I was able to get her the gift after all.

During this time, we acquired a strong group of prayer warriors that are still on our team. Because of all of the prayers, God was so powerful in our lives.

Even when we did not have many props or illusions, Brock would still perform and give the gospel. Whenever he spoke, the Holy Spirit just seeped out of his mouth and covered the entire room. One time, Brock had just begun speaking and had not really got to the meat yet, but people began flooding the altar. It was almost as if it did not matter what Brock said because the Holy Spirit was speaking in the supernatural realm.

I was just amazed at all that the Lord was doing. He answered each prayer in much the same way as the ones I listed above. In six months time, we had received everything on our list and more. Tomorrow, I'll go into a little more detail about how we acquired some of the equipment during those six months.