Thursday, June 02, 2005

High Stress and No Stress

This camp in Panama City is ending up being the easiest one all summer. The guy in charge didn't want a lot of big illusions. He said that he was relying on Brock's personality and wit to carry the show and not some big props. He's got Brock pegged. Those are his biggest assets. Therefore, we only have to set up one illusion.

After we loaded in and decided how to go about the show, we got back to our room at about 12:30am. Our air conditioner didn't work and the hotel was sold out! So, we didn't get to bed until 1:30am and I had to get up early this morning to go to a production meeting. Of course, my shower was COLD.

I'm still trying to learn how to handle the stress of this carreer. The problem with us is that we experience such high stress and then back down to zero stress in just a few minutes. For example, we will perform in front of thousands of people this morning who are thinking "Show me what you got!" The intensity of live show is indescribable. I will man our sound and literally push play on a song and run up on stage and perform our one illusion and then, run back to the sound board. Plus, magic is a perfect art. In other words, if you mess up, you expose a trick. So, we will go from that stress to later this afternoon sitting on the beach. There is no in between.

I guess every job has its good points and its bad points. I just need to learn how to handle the up and down stress levels.