Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Satan's Lies

The other day, I was talking to a friend of mine on the phone. She is a mother of two small children. She feels very incompetant at times as a parent. There is a young teenage girl in her community whose mother is dying of cancer. She feels supernaturally drawn to this girl. After our conversation, I began to think about something. Why would the Lord entrust such a wonderful young lady into her hands if she is not an excellent mother? It makes more sense that Satan is lying to her and trying to get her to believe that she is not the mother that she needs to be so that she would not follow through on this commitment of mothering this girl after her mom passes away.

I began to think about my dad and how much he hated public speaking. He said that he could do any kind of ministry except one that involved speaking. He’s now a pastor that speaks publicly every week. Moses in the scripture felt like he was not the right person for the job.

Lately, I’ve been listening to a lie. I think that I cannot develop relationships with women. I’m too different from them and my lifestyle is not relative to their lifestyle. I feel as if I cannot cultivate relationships with women very well because I travel too much. However, the Lord is using me to minister to young women lately. Even this girl that I wrote about above…the Lord placed her on my mind that day out of the blue. I had not talked to her in years, yet the day I called and told her that I was praying for her was the day that she needed it. She said that she felt so much love from the Lord because He asked me to pray for her at just the right time even though we were miles away from each other.

What lies has Satan been feeding you? Is there something that the Lord is asking of you in which you feel inadequate? The Lord speaks in a still, small voice, but Satan seems to hurl big, fiery, LOUD darts. “In our weakness, He is strong.” Take courage and don’t believe the lies!