Saturday, February 11, 2006

The American Dream

The American dream is a bunch of baloney. The reason being is that I know tons of people who have the "American dream" and all that comes with it right down to the picket fence. The problem is that they lock themselves up in their suburban fortress and don't let anyone else besides their little kingdom enter.

When did we start becoming an island? When did we begin to look out for number one? You would think that families would be getting closer during this time since they are always together, but they're not. They are falling apart more and more. We need each other...that's the way we were created.

I wonder if we gave our days, not just our lives, but our days completely over to the Lord, how He would change it. I'm sure He wouldn't have us cooped up in our houses with no human interaction with the outside world. He'd have us ministering in some sort of fashion. He would have us see beyond ourselves and into His world that needs and me. The world needs as much help as it can get!


AUNY said...

Sorry, sometimes I think that my dad rubs off on me...he's a preacher.

Amber said...

Well, PREACH IT SISTER! I agree, we as christians are pretty self centered and caught up in our own little worlds! I am speaking about myself! Thank you for the reality check!

Anonymous said...

I sensed a little sermon in that also. So I'm wondering what brought that on. Anyway, I'm a strong believer in the church as God's vehicle to get us outside of ourselves. The opportunities are there through an organization that has the mission to step into God's plans for his people. If we separate ourselves from the church, we lose opportunities and motivation to be involved. Mom

AUNY said...

Mom, ask Kay what brought it on. I had a good conversation with her last night. We both grew up in a home that was very inviting...people came in and out all of the time. I remember my friends would be over at the house eating with you even when I wasn't home! Not many homes are like that anymore. Do you think that people are more busy, think too much about what everyone thinks, or just down right lazy? It's our generation I think, but it's scary. If we are somewhat isolated, what are our kids going to be like...hermits? I'm concerned about this generation and the next. You may not see it as much in a small town, but here in Franklin, it's rampant. It's hard to get people to hang out...they won't come out. My small group leader's wife at church is frustrated about this. She says that we have trouble with commitment. I think that it goes beyond not coming to a church function...I think that she feels the same way you do about the church, mom. I think that she thinks that we have a lack of commitment to the Lord. Maybe our (the Christian Xers) priorities are not to live for the Lord but have the American dream. We're more comitted to it than to our Savior. I don't know what the answer is, but it is a problem. What do you think, mom? You are a very wise do you get people to commit not only to come to church functions, but to invest in other people's lives? to commit to the Lord?

Pastor Jeff said...

The KEY is the LOCAL CHURCH... period. When the church is being the church... fulfilling it's calling none of us can become an island or selfish for that matter. I'm doing a thing with my church called Project Elevation; the whole purpose is to find people in neeed... and offer them more than just a "hand-out" we want to show them the "way-out" In doing simple things like this my church is keeping the right focus. I just pray we don't miss the importance and power of church done right!

AUNY said...

I think that's great, Jeff! It sounds like a wonderful ministry opportunity for everyone involved.

Matt said...

auny, you are so right, it seems more and more common for people to be self-involved and use their nice big houses as forts to hide away in, instead of getting involved in the lives of those around them. i, too, have been guilty of this before. life is so unfulfilling when it is not shared with the people that God has placed around you.

t.newb said...

Not only will they not let anyone in, in Les' and I's experience, they won't let you out if your in.