Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Day Two of FX

Tonight we had 2,500 people there and 98 first time salvations. Praise the Lord! The stage is sorta slanted and our props keep rolling toward the front of the stage. It's hilarious. I had to put my shoes in front of some wheels in order to keep it from rolling. We had a breaker go out tonight and one light tree and the light board went out for a short while, but nobody seemed to notice. Does anyone know how one light tree could stay on if the light board was out of power? It was a mystery to me how the other light tree could keep on burning without a board. Everything went smoothly except for that. It was a great night!


Matt said...

maybe you should look into getting wheels that lock...or buy more shoes. how did the new stunt go?

AUNY said...

The new stunt went great! It was probably the best time we've ever done it (that was only our third time to do it).

Amber said...

Praise the Lord, so many are coming to know him through your ministry!!! I am praying for strngth and rejuvination for all three of you!