Monday, April 03, 2006

GMA Week

We began our GMA (Gospel Music Association) week today. This week is where everyone from the Christian music industry gathers in one area of Nashville and has meetings, interviews, showcases, etc. Most musicians don't enjoy it very much because they have interviews all day long without much of a break. However, we don't have too many and since we are not musicians, we are not in any competition with anyone here. I think it's fun. I get to see people we've worked with but haven't seen in a while.

Today, Brock performed for the Logan TV show. He was a guest as well as Kristal Myers. She is really cute and nice. He did a card trick using her and the host. Then he did a trick with someone from the audience's key. It was good.

Then, we went to the next interview with Breakaway magazine. It went well. We were done after that. We were able to hang out, go eat dinner, and stop by the Cocoa Tree for some chocolate on the way home.


Amber said...

Sounds like fun, I can't wait to go to this Cocoa Tree I've been hearing so much about!!! That is in the schedule, right?

AUNY said...

You bet that we'll be going to the Cocoa Tree, Amber. Rebecca, I don't know when Brock is going to be in Breakaway. If I find out, I'll let you know.

AUNY said...

Breakaway is the magazine for all teens. I grew up reading it.

Shaun Groves said...

It's not so much that we artist types dislike Give Me Attention Week because we're in competition with each other as it is that we're reminded every time we see Brock Gill walking around the joint of just how not cool we truly are.

It was good seeing you guys there...even if it was too brief.