Friday, April 14, 2006

We're Home

It's so good to be home! My stomach was hurting me a little again yesterday afternoon, but as soon as I got home, it went away. This trip I've seen the most change in seasons. When we got home, spring was in the air. It's so green and some trees have purple and white blumes.

Brock had to do some work on his dirtbike with a friend's help. The helper would only be in town yesterday and today. I told Brock that he had to do it last night because today is reserved for a happy fun day for the two of us.

While Brock was gone, I sat on my rocking chair on the porch just soaking up the air until dark. Then, I went inside and fell asleep on the couch around 8pm! I slept 11 hours last night. We're trying to make some changes in our booking so that we don't have such hard schedules out on the road. I hope it works!