Saturday, April 01, 2006

Quick Decisions

This weekend, we had to make a lot of quick decisions. As Stephanie and stage hands were putting one of larger illusions onstage, it caught the big video screen. It would not fit under the screen. One of the staffers was freaking out saying that she didn't know what to do because she didn't know how to fix it. I looked at the problem and immediately decided that it was not fixable, and therefore decided to scratch it. Meanwhile, Brock is onstage ready to do this illusion. I walked near the stage and pointed to the straight jacket. Brock nodded slightly and didn't miss a beat. He went on to do straight jacket instead.

Later, we went to put paper on our grand finale illusion. We ran out of butcher paper at the last minute. So, I spent about 20 minutes taping together a bunch of pieces of typing paper. Something so simple as running out of paper could ruin a large trick. In about 95% of our shows something goes wrong. I've become accustomed to making quick decisions.


Anonymous said...

Hey are you feeling better yet? An ulcer is horrible to deal with.

AUNY said...

I'm feeling much better. In fact, I think that I'm over it. However, I'm still taking it easy on my food and taking medicine regularly.