Thursday, June 26, 2008


Yesterday was an awesome time at camp. Brock created a storm onstage and talked about Jesus calming the storm. Then, he began to talk about storms in our lives. He said that Jesus can either calm your storm or hold your hand and walk you through it.

Then, he brought out Steph. They did an interview style type of testimony. Steph told everyone about the storm in her life with her father. So many people can relate to her story. She said that sometimes you cannot help the things that happen to you, but you can effect how you respond to it. You can allow the storms in life to make you bitter or better. After she shared, Brock had a time of ministry. He had the youth leaders stand in the four corners of the room. Then, he told anyone who needed prayer to go to them.

I cannot even describe what happened at this point. It was an amazing time of healing. Many people went to the corners, but just as many stayed in their seats and people around them came to them to pray for them. I saw a high school big guy go to his youth pastor, lay his head on his shoulder, and bawl. I could hear people releasing and forgiving and healing. I stood in the back of the room praying for everyone. I could almost hear the Lord weeping. His heart was broken for His people.

Brock asked if this type of thing happens every time she shares her story. Stephanie said that, unfortunately, it does. There are so many broken homes. There's so many people that are carrying the burden of unforgiveness. We heard so many wonderful stories of restoration and forgiveness. What a wonderful day at camp!


Anonymous said...


I am so sorry that you had to have troubles in your life, but I am so glad that you allow God to use you to help others heal. There are a lot of painfilled people and only our great Healer can truly free them from this bondage as He did for you. Thank you for allowing God to use you in this very difficult way!


Anonymous said...


Please put your arms around Stephanie and pray for her for me...thank God for her and ask His blessings for her. Give her a big hug and let her know that I really appreciate her willingness to be obedient and to share with others. I wish that I could have a youth group there with you!

Love ya,
Mrs. G

Anonymous said...

this was real and sooo cool.
She even brake my heart. This girl is awesome.
She is going to be big. I know it.
I love you stef!
Tank you for open my eyes.