Friday, June 27, 2008

Week Two of Superwow

This week was absolutely wonderful! The crowd was great just like last week. Brock brought his air horn and we continued the freeze whenever he blew it. It was so fun! Before we began the service last night, we started a sort of congo line down the aisle and people joined in. In the middle of it, the horn blew. Everybody froze and the music stopped. When the horn blew again, everybody picked up where they left off and the music began again.

My favorite day was the day that Stephanie shared. So much healing went on. It was so absolutely needed. We got to watch the Lord move and heal and counsel in such a big way. There was one girl whom everybody had been praying for since she was 5 years old. Her father had died and her mother abandoned her at that point. Now, she's 16 and after years of professional counseling was still hurting so badly. The Lord allowed her to release on Wednesday and the ultimate Counselor worked in her heart. She was able to forgive her mother. That's just one story out of the several that we heard.

Last night was a wonderful time, too. We had another chocolate tasting with the adults. We raised money for Hands and Feet. This is an orphanage down in Haiti whom Mark Stuart's parents manage. We got Mark (the lead singer of Audio Adrenaline) on speaker phone for everyone to hear. That was cool. What we raised money for was for an orphanage prevention program that they are doing in Haiti. So many mothers want to keep their babies, but they cannot afford food for them. Therefore, Hands and Feet are providing them with $25 worth of food a week. They have 20 of these children that they are feeding. That's $500 a week for all of them. We raised $1,300!!! That's great! Hopefully, we can help keep these babies alive and in their mothers' care.


Amber said...

I am SO glad Super Wow is going so great!!! Lots of prayers coming your way!!!