Monday, January 23, 2006

Birthday Celebration

Yesterday was really fun. I had lots of phone calls and e-mails and comments. After reading my blog about the cake the other day, one of my friends, Rachel, even made me a red velvet cake. There were 30 of us at lunch and 10 at dinner. Thanks to any of you who participated in wishing me a happy birthday. I really felt loved.

I did cry once yesterday. A lady named Dimple from my parents' church called to wish me a happy birthday. She began talking about my Grandma who died 10 years ago. She talked about how great a lady she was and how when she lived with us that one summer, she sat by Dimple in church.

When I was a freshman in college, I interviewed to work at a camp for the summer. When I received the call that they wanted to employ me, the Lord told me right there while I was on the phone that He didn't want me to go. So, I said no, but I didn't really know why. A few weeks later, I found out that my Grandma who lived in Florida was diagnosed with pacreatic cancer and had only a couple of months to live. The hospital in Houston specialized in that sort of illness, so she lived with us for that summer.

I went home and found a secretarial job. I'm so glad the Lord allowed me to spend that last summer with my Grandma. She was a wonderful godly example of a woman. I'm also glad that I thought about her yesterday.


Gin said...

I'm glad you thought about your Gram on your special day. It's strange, isn't it? How you can feel that sadness (for the loss) and joy (for the experience of having known her) at the same time.

The other day when Steven & I were at his parents' house, I woke up in the middle of the night and thought I was in my Grandma & Grandpa's house back in Roganville. Grandma hasn't lived there since Grandpa died. It was such a vivid feeling of being there it made me think of Grandpa and I cried myself back to sleep...yet the next morning I had all these wonderful thoughts and memories of him...I hadn't really thought about him that much in a long time. It was nice.