Friday, January 20, 2006


I bought this funfetti cake (remember that one with the sprinkles?), because I was craving it. I made it back in September for Stephy's birthday. I had one piece, and I've been craving it ever since.

Usually, I have red velvet cake for my birthday. Since my mom is several miles away and shipping a cake is almost impossible, and hardly worth it, no red velvet cake anymore. I made it once myself and realized how difficult it is to make. Mom was really showing me how much she appreciated me by slaving away in the kitchen for 3 hours!

My birthday is not until Sunday. Brock is usually very strict on our diet (he keeps me in line when it comes to treats). However, he decided we should make the cake last night while we had some friends over. Brock said, "Let's make it now and eat on it all weekend." This is a huge sacrifice for Brock. He cringes if I sneak even one m and m. So, I'll be eating cake ALL weekend!


Amber said...

I think a cake weekend sounds like a GREAT idea! I think I'll have one too in honor of your birthday, by the way how many are you? (As my daughter would say)!

AUNY said...

The big 30!

Gin said...

Gaaaag! I can't believe we're 30 this year. Actually, I'm kind of looking forward to it. Though I'm probably wrong, I'm expecting people to take me more seriously once I turn 30.

Hee hee. Happy 30th :)