Monday, January 02, 2006

New Year's Resolution

I used to make a big, long list of New Year resolutions. Since the list was the size of a legal page, I gave up by about the second day. Most of the things on the list were about diet and exercise. Anyway, I think it's better if you just make one resolution.

I have a suggestion concerning health and weightloss. I never lose weight. Brock and I will eat healthy and work out at the gym. He'll lose 20 pounds and I'll lose NOTHING! However, in August, I lost 5 or 6 pounds in a week. Plus, it was all in my stomach area. I went down a whole pants' size. I've kept it off too. This is what I did:

I stopped drinking sodas. I know what you're are too addicted to sodas. I was too. I remember trying to keep it down to one diet coke a day. I also would reward myself with a diet soda after a show. Therefore, I was extremely surprised when after about a week of being soda-free, I didn't really crave it or even miss it.

In February of last year, I started drinking alot of water everyday. I felt better, but I didn't lose any weight. When I quit the sodas, I immediately lossed that stomach pouch. Caffeine dehydrates you. Therefore, it was couteracting my water intake. Now, I have more energy, look better, and feel better. My mood is better. Brock has since learned that artificial sweeteners such as aspertame and splenda that are used in diet sodas among other diet foods can cause depression. They also make you more hungry and more fat.

So, I challenge you to drink alot of water and no sodas. Just give it a try. You may be surprised by the results!


Amber said...

I have the worst problem with soda! I also try to limit myself to only one soda a day although mine aren't diet. I am going to truly try to quit drinking soda and drink more water. I know how bad it is for you. I'll keep you posted!

Quatro said...

That is my New Year's resolution! Even before reading your blog! Thanks for the encouragement, I already want to drink a coke. Knowing that this craving will go away in about a week helps. I've decided I'm only going to drink water or juice, I think it will help me to feel better and be more healthy.