Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Dreams are so strange. Last night, I remember three dreams that I had. They all involved people from different states or in different countries. They were silly dreams but it made me think about the people and pray for them anyway.

My dreams are usually about people that live here, but the dreams always take place where I grew up in Daytona. They are either at the church I attended or the house I lived in. I haven't lived there in 14 years. I don't know why it seems to be the setting for my dreams. Maybe because I've lived there the longest. After leaving Florida when I was sixteen, the longest I've lived in one house is a little over a year. That could be the reason.

Most of my dreams consist of me running. I'm running from somebody or running to get a prop on the stage. Does anyone know how to annalyze dreams? Why am I always running and why is the setting Daytona?

Sometimes, I think I dream things for a reason. The other day, I had a very visual dream about me helping my friend adopt a child. I told her that the Lord wanted her to adopt a particular boy. She began crying and said this was the boy that she was in the process of adopting. It was cool confirmation. We both cried in the dream and it was a wonderful feeling. The next day, I was still feeling the warmth that the dream brought when one of my other friends told me that she was getting a new job working at an adoption agency. I told her about the dream, and we both felt like it was confirmation that she is doing the right thing by getting this job.