Saturday, August 20, 2005


This was a great Freedom Experience! There were about 300 people who made decisions for Christ! Here are some of their stories:

One included a father who came to pick up his son from the event. His son was back with the counselors talking with them about Jesus. The father ended up becoming a follower of Jesus right there and hadn't even attended the event! A tough guy that was practically dragged to the event by his friend ended up breaking down to one of our leaders and surrendered to Christ. Some youth who were dropping the f-bomb quite often throughout the show ended up back in the counseling room becoming a Christian.

A counselor led a young girl to Christ the second night. On the last night, the girl came back and brought her boyfriend and family. She went back to the counseling room and sat by the counselor again and watched as she led more people to Christ, one of which was her boyfriend! There was a lady in the audience who had lost her three daughters in an accident 10 years before. The girls were playing in a hole that caved in killing all three. The mother had never grieved over it. She had held it in for 10 years! Last night when Brock came out of the water coffin, she felt as if her chains were coming off. She began to cry and upened up with one of our counselors. She said that she felt free for the first time in 10 years last night!


Amber said...

It sounds to me like the holy spirit has been all over your whole team and the audience as well! Jesus is still lord of all!