Sunday, August 14, 2005


Sleep is such a wierd thing. You have to have it. Friday night, both of us had little sleep and we had worked out very hard. Therefore, we were exhausted yesterday. So, we took a nap yesterday afternoon. I was asleep for almost two hours and Brock slept for probably an hour and a half. So, here we are in the middle of the night wide awake! I don't know what to do. We don't want to miss church. However, it is 4am and Brock hasn't slept at all. I don't think that I'll be able to get him up in time for Sunday school. If I did wake him up early, he'd want to take a nap this afternoon. I slept for a couple of hours tonight, but then I woke up wide-eyed.

I woke up on the futon in the office where I last left Brock working here at the desk online. He's now in bed. So, I think that I could wake him up in time for church and he'll just be slightly tired...but we cannot nap today! I don't want to start a vicious cycle!


Amber said...

I love nap's, I'm thinking about taking one right now!