Wednesday, May 16, 2007

We Found It!

Amongst all of the busyness of GMA week, guess what we found? We found our camera that we thought was stolen at the airport. It was in one of those bags that we checked 50,000 times and didn't find it.

Brock was in the middle of a TV interview. He was making a light bulb brake and Mark Hall from Casting Crowns was with him. I reached down to get our new camera which was just like the old one only without a case. I got the camera out only it had a case just like the old one. I wondered if Brock had bought a case for it and I didn't know, or could this be the one that we "lost"? I quickly opened it and checked. It was all of our old pictures!

We were able to take back the new camera because we had only had it for a few days and now we have all of our old pictures! It was great! I'll try to put up some new pictures for you.


Anonymous said...



ginsmom said...

Oh, that's awesome Auny! See you tomorrow!!!!!!!