Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Leading My Village Tonight

Pray for me tonight. I'm leading my village group. Last week, I felt like the Lord was telling me that our group should pray for Kay and Trent (my sister and brother-in-law who are missionaries in South America). I began thinking about talking to my girls about intercessory prayer.

I was telling my parents how awesome it is when the Lord asks you to pray for when He lays someone on your heart. At that moment, one of my prayer partners, Tiffany, called me. She said that the Lord had "laid me on her heart" for the last 15 minutes. I told her about possibly sharing with my group (a plan which I had been formulating for the last 15 minutes). She said that she thought the Lord was calling us to pray.

Later on in the week, I read an e-mail from one of the girls in the group. She sent us an e-mail about prayer. I texted another girl in our group about going to dinner Monday. She texted back and said that the Lord had just laid me on her heart. She was about to text me and tell me that she loved me and was thinking about me. When she opened her phone to do that, there was a text from AUNY GILL.

I think that the Lord is trying to tell us to pray. Like Tiffany said, I think that He is CALLING us to prayer. I don't want us to take this lightly. It's an honor and a privilege to pray especially when the Lord is personally asking you to!


Anonymous said...

God speaks to us....

thru His word
thru the Holy Spirit
thru other people
thru circumstances
thru prayer

God is always speaking to us...speaking to me...I just find that sometimes I allow myself to get to busy...even doing things for hear Him beckoning me.

"Be still and know that I am God."

I will also remember Kay and her husband in my prayers.
