Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Gypsy Fest

The Gypsy Fest was a huge success! We had about 60 people there and we raised $750 enabling us to purchase 75 malaria nets for children involved in Compassion projects all over the world. Brock grilled his famous burgers (75 of them) and I made 92 chocolate chip cookies. We transformed our back porch into a stage. Our backyard is a big hill creating a natural amphitheater. The only downside is that the tables holding the food were very slanted on the hill.

At one point during the night, I heard one of my friends laughing. Then, I looked back toward the food and saw one of my other friends trying to catch a couple of sodas that were rolling down the hill along with some cups and such. It was funny!

I will tell you someone else that was funny...Barbara! She and Brock emceed the night. That was a sight! Barbara would say something in Spanish and Brock would "translate." One time, Barbara said a whole paragraph worth of stuff and Brock said, "She said, 'No cameras!'" Another time, Brock actually spoke Spanish and Barbara translated exactly what he said, which was, "Where are my pants and a big drunk man!"

We had some great talent. Tiffany, Cait, Abby and Greg, Charmaine, and Stephanie Smith performed music as well as Brock and Sean Beard each did an illusion. We began the show at around 7pm and it lasted an hour and a half. Then, we had a bonfire and some fireworks! What a great night!!!


Mom in Shepherd said...

Sounds like great fun. Have a fun at Disney.