Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Update From 5 Years Ago

Please read yesterday's post before you read this one.

After the show at Disney World a couple of weeks ago, a youth pastor came up to us and said that he and his wife were at the Winter Jam tour in Mobile. He said that on the way to the show, his wife was asking why there was going to be an illusionist at Winter Jam. Winter Jam was the biggest Christian tour and one of the largest tours in the country. She thought that it should be only bands performing on the tour, since after all, it was a music tour.

During Brock’s set that night, he told about how he was a pastor’s kid and thought that everything was okay between him and the Lord. What he finally realized was that he knew a lot about God, but he didn’t really know Him. He had religion but no relationship with Jesus. At that moment, the youth pastor’s wife, who was a pastor’s kid as well, turned to her husband and said, “I am lost. I need Jesus.” Her husband took her outside and led her to Christ right then and there. We brought the right message to the right person at the right time. I am so glad that we made it to that show!


Anonymous said...

I continue to be amazed at how God uses us in His time and His place for His message. I pray that we may all continue to be available to Him.

Mrs. G

Unknown said...

I am so glad that He also gave you the gift of knowing how He used you at Winter Jam. You were open to Him and now His family is bigger and stronger. I know that God uses our willingness, but it is nice to see some of the impact we are having on the kingdom.

Michawn said...

that is too cool!! i can't wait to read your book on prayer!!